ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR 2024 - 25 To Apply online *CLICK HERE*||For Admission Contact :70944 66503, 9499051266 & 7824809192

Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan

College of Engineering and Technology


Approved by AICTE, NEW DELHI | Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. ( Accredited by NAAC with "A+" Grade )

Recognized under section 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956. Accredited by NBA for AERO,CSE,EEE,ECE,IT,MECH & MBA

2023 - 2024
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Today the world has shrunk into a microcosm of endless opportunities, challenges and achievements. How we prepare ourselves for these challenges decides our future and how we perform today makes or future. EDUCATION is the watchword that decides and makes our future a kaleidoscopic. Education drives away ignorance, emboldens a man to a righteous thought and action, empowers woman and enlarges her vision to a higher and wider horizon, enables a person to earn his living, energizes a society and soon…. The advantages of being educated are myriad.

Education is an experience, an experience of learning. Educational institutions are no more “Study Centers” but Citadels of Learning. Our institutions located in an idyllic and panoramic atmosphere are “Citadels of Learning” that aims at opening a world of knowledge, learning, opportunities, skills and challenges to the future pillars of the nation. We propose to provide the best of knowledge through a holistic learning experience with the future in focus. We rely on the main ethos of utmost concern and care for the students and commitment to the betterment of the society.

To compete in the global environment today, quality education and teaching are vital. Education is the insatiable phenomenon that brings substantial benefits to the individual and the society. We believe in building strong future for our students. By choosing one of our institutions will be an easier sail into the future smoothly, courageously and confidently.